Cartoon of Bragg CXDI 

Matlab code

% Bragg CXDI cartoon of motion and simulated signal on an area detector


clear; close all;

vid = VideoWriter('BraggCXDI.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;


figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);



lp = [0.4 -0.4 0.7];

ec = [0.25 0.28 0.5]; % Phil blue

fc = [1.0 0.83 0]; % Gold


% Similar colormap to MATLAB 'turbo' but beginning with black to enhance

% weak signal

myCCM = customcolormap([0 0.2 0.5 0.67 0.88 1],...



pos1 = [0 0 0.58 1]; % 3D cartoon of sinc function moving through Ewald sphere

pos2 = [0.58 0.3 0.41 0.41]; % Cross-section through Ewald sphere



kE = 4.4; % Radius of Ewald sphere, in r.l.u.

LL = kE;


% Sphere for Ewald sphere

[a,b,c] = sphere(140);

a(a<0) = NaN; % Only show front part of Ewald sphere


% Miller indices of Bragg peak to be passed through Ewald sphere

h0 = -1;

k0 = 1;

l0 = 2;


% Maximum deviation from position in reciprocal space from the surface of

% the Ewald sphere that will be detected by the detector

delQ = 0.005;


% Set up meshgrid for sinc function

rlBound = 0.98; % +/- boundaries around centre of sinc function used to generate reciprocal lattice signal

rlStep = 0.0070001; % Step size in generating sinc function

noSteps = floor(2*rlBound/rlStep) + 1; % Number of data points in each orthogonal direction

[xx,yy,zz] = meshgrid(-rlBound:rlStep:rlBound,...




% Angular range of rotation around y- (or k-) axis to record Bragg CXDI

% data

theta = 0:-pi/1440:-pi/9; % 20 degrees, 0.125 degrees/step


for jj = theta

    % Subplot of 3D cartoon of sinc function moving through Ewald sphere




    hold off

    % Plot Ewald sphere centered at -kE



    hold on


    % Factor determining periodicity of the sinc function

    fac = 16;

    % Rotational transformations for xx and zz. yy remains unchanged

    xxnew = xx*cos(jj) - zz*sin(jj);

    yynew = yy;

    zznew = xx*sin(jj) + zz*cos(jj);


    % Rotational transformations for hkl position of centre of the sinc

    % function. k remains unchanged

    hnew = h0*cos(jj) - l0*sin(jj);

    knew = k0;

    lnew = h0*sin(jj) + l0*cos(jj);


    % Generate sinc function (squared)

    rr = (((sin(fac*pi*(xx))).^2./(fac*xx).^2)...




    alphaVal = 0.7; % Opacity of sinc function

    % create the isosurface by thresholding at a iso-value of 'iso'

    hold on;

    iso = 5;

    surf1 = isosurface((xxnew+hnew),(yynew+knew),(zznew+lnew),rr,iso);

    p1 = patch(surf1);



    % Create cubic nanocrystal positioned at (0 0 0) in reciprocal space

    [V,F] = platonic_solid(2,0.2);

    ps = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor','g','FaceAlpha',0.7, ...


    % Rotate crystal in same manner as sinc function

    direction = [0 -1 0];

    rotate(ps,direction,jj*180/pi,[0 0 0])


    % Dot-dashed lines for h, k, and l-axes, plus line from the centre of

    % the Ewald sphere through the centre of the sinc function and on to

    % the detector face

    plot3([-LL 1],[0 0],[0 0],'k','LineStyle','-.','LineWidth',1.6);

    plot3([0 0],[-LL LL],[0 0],'k','LineStyle','-.','LineWidth',1.6);

    plot3([0 0],[0 0],[-LL LL],'k','LineStyle','-.','LineWidth',1.6);

    % Size of k-vector between centre of ES and centre of sinc fn

    keh2sinch = kE+hnew; % h-component

    kek2sinck = knew; % k-component

    kel2sincl = lnew; % l-component

    ke2sinc = (keh2sinch^2 + kek2sinck^2 + kel2sincl^2)^0.5;

    % Ratio of Ewald-sphere radius kE to k-vector between centre of ES and

    % centre of sinc fn

    kEOverk2s = kE/ke2sinc;

    plot3([-kE kEOverk2s*(kE+hnew)*((kE+0.98)/kE)-kE],...

        [0 kEOverk2s*((kE+0.98)/kE)*knew],...

        [0 kEOverk2s*((kE+0.98)/kE)*lnew],...



    % Various labellings

    htext = text(1.088,0,0,'h','FontSize',20);

    ktext = text(0,4.5,0,'k','FontSize',20);

    ltext = text(-0.025,0,4.51,'l','FontSize',20);

    kintext = text(-kE/2,0,0.2,'k_{in}','FontSize',20);


    % Arrow for k_in and arrowheads for h, k, and l-axes

    arrowkE = mArrow3([-kE 0 0],[0 0 0],'color',fc, ...

        'stemWidth',0.025,'tipWidth',0.07,'facealpha',1); %

    arrowh = mArrow3([0.9 0 0],[1 0 0],'color','k', ...

        'stemWidth',0.025,'tipWidth',0.07,'facealpha',1); %

    arrowk = mArrow3([0 kE-0.1 0],[0 kE 0],'color','k', ...

        'stemWidth',0.025,'tipWidth',0.07,'facealpha',1); %

    arrowl = mArrow3([0 0 kE-0.1],[0 0 kE],'color','k', ...

        'stemWidth',0.025,'tipWidth',0.07,'facealpha',1); %


    % Small detector

    [V2,F2] = platonic_solid(2,0.88); % Cube

    V2(:,1) = 0.32*V2(:,1)+1.0; % Thin detector 1 r.l.u. downstream of (0 0 0)

    ps2 = patch('Faces',F2,'Vertices',V2,'FaceColor',[0.25 0.25 0.25],...



    % Rotate detector about centre of Ewald sphere into direction of the

    % centre of the sinc function

    direction1 = [0 1 0]; % Rotate first around k-axis...

    rotate(ps2,direction1,-atand(lnew/(knew^2 + (kE + hnew)^2)^0.5),[-kE 0 0])

    direction2 = [0 0 1]; % ... then around l-axis

    rotate(ps2,direction2,atand(knew/(kE+hnew)),[-kE 0 0])


    % Various commands to control the final output image

    set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');


    axis equal;

    axis off;


    xlim([-LL 1]);

    ylim([-LL LL]);

    zlim([-LL LL]);




    % Subplot of cross-section through Ewald sphere



    % Sample all of the noSteps^3 data points of the sinc function to

    % establish which ones are within delQ of the Ewald-sphere surface and

    % therefore recorded

    ii = 1;

    for aa = 1:noSteps

        for bb = 1:noSteps

            for cc= 1:noSteps

                habc = kE+hnew+xx(aa,bb,cc);

                kabc = knew+yy(aa,bb,cc);

                labc = lnew+zz(aa,bb,cc);

                kout2 = habc^2 + kabc^2 + labc^2;

                if ((kE-delQ)^2 <= kout2) && (kout2 <= (kE+delQ)^2)

                    kHoriz = (habc^2 + kabc^2)^0.5;

                    % Data to plot out intercept of sinc function with

                    % Ewald sphere consisting of Qh, Qk, and intensity

                    OutImage(ii,1) = 2*kE*sin(atan(kabc/habc));

                    OutImage(ii,2) = 2*kE*sin(atan(labc/kHoriz));

                    OutImage(ii,3) = rr(aa,bb,cc);

                    ii = ii+1;






    % Plot intercept data


    % Intensity data to the power of 0.2 to highlight weaker data


    % Determine centre of detector in Qh and Ql

    midx = 2*kE*sin(atan(knew/(kE+hnew)));

    xmin = midx - 2*kE*0.16;

    xmax = midx + 2*kE*0.16;

    midy = 2*kE*sin(atan(lnew/(knew^2 + (kE + hnew)^2)^0.5));

    ymin = midy - 2*kE*0.16;

    ymax = midy + 2*kE*0.16;

    xlim([xmin xmax]);

    ylim([ymin ymax]);

    zmax= (max(rr(:)))^0.2; % Power of 0.2 to highlight weaker data

    set(gca,'clim',[0 zmax])

    axis square

    axis off


    frame = getframe(gcf);




% Output the movie as an mpg file
