Cartoon of forward-scattering CXDI for noncrystalline samples 

Matlab code

% Cartoon of CXDI in forward scattering direction. Scattered object is an

% ellipsoid with semi-axes of 11, 5, and 5 scattering centers and a random

% electron-density distribution - kind of like a paramecium? 



close all

figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);


vid = VideoWriter('CXDI.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;



myGold = [0.8 0.64 0];

lp = [2 3 1];

lp2 = [1 -2 -1];


% Set up coordinates of front cap of Ewald sphere - I don't want to plot

% the entire sphere, as it is too large and its semiopaque nature would 

% compromise the interesting part of the cartoon 

[Xe,Ye,Ze] = sphere(2000);

ESrad = 500; % Ewald sphere radius

Xe = ESrad*Xe - ESrad; % Shift sphere so front of sphere at origin (0,0,0) 

Ye = ESrad*Ye; 

Ze = ESrad*Ze; 

xnot = -80; % Value of x, below which the Ewald sphere is removed 

% Only surviving part of sphere for Xe > xnot - a small slice of the sphere

Xe(Xe<xnot) = NaN ; Ye(Xe<xnot) = NaN ; Ze(Xe<xnot) = NaN;


% Collection of random numbers to be sculpted into an ellipsoidal shape 

X = rand(23,11,11); 

XX = X; % Use XX as replica for FT purposes (FT cannnot handle NaNs)


% Shave off elements outside ellipsoidal surface. For the FT (XX), make 

% these zero; for plotting (X), make these NaN 

for ii = 1:23

    for jj = 1:11

        for kk = 1:11

            % Radius of ellipsoid

            R = (((ii-12)/12)^2 + ((jj-6)/6)^2 + ((kk-6)/6)^2)^0.5;

            if (R > 1)

                X(ii,jj,kk) = NaN;

                XX(ii,jj,kk) = 0;


            hold on




% Reshape matrices of X for scatter3 plotting purposes 

[xR, yR, zR] = meshgrid(1:size(X,2), 1:size(X,1), 1:size(X,3));

xxR = reshape(xR,[],1)-6;

yyR = reshape(yR,[],1)-12;

zzR = reshape(zR,[],1)-6;

X = reshape(X,[11*11*23,1]);


% ________________________________________________________________________


% Generate FT of XX padded to pad^3 elements 

pad = 100;

Y = abs(fftn(XX,[pad,pad,pad]));

% Shift FT so maximum is in the middle 

Y = fftshift(Y); 

maxY = max(Y(:));


% Manipulate FT data for plotting purposes 

for ii = 1:pad

    for jj = 1:pad

        for kk = 1:pad

            R = ((ii-(pad+1)/2)^2 + (jj-(pad+1)/2)^2 + (kk-(pad+1)/2)^2)^0.5; 

            % Only plot out FT to a radius equal to pad/2 and for signal

            % stronger than 2% of the FT maximum 

            if (Y(ii,jj,kk) < 0.02*maxY) || (R > pad/2)

                Y(ii,jj,kk) = NaN;





% Reshape manipulated FT data for plotting with scatter3 

[x, y, z] = meshgrid(1:size(Y,1), 1:size(Y,2), 1:size(Y,3));

xx = reshape(x,[],1)-pad/2;

yy = reshape(y,[],1)-pad/2;

zz = reshape(z,[],1)-pad/2;

Y = reshape(Y,[pad^3,1]); 

cmin = min(log(Y));

cmax = max(log(Y));


% ________________________________________________________________________


% Loop for rotation of object and its FT by 360 degrees 

for theta = 0:359

    subplot('position',[-0.2 -0.2 1.4 1.55]);

    hold off


    hold off 

    % Coordinates at theta of rotating paramecium ellipsoid 

    xxRnow = 3*(xxR*cosd(theta) - yyR*sind(theta))-500;

    yyRnow = 3*(xxR*sind(theta) + yyR*cosd(theta));

    hold on 


    % Plot ellipsoid paramecium 



    colormap jet


    % Incident parallel radiation on object 

    mArrow3([-640 0 0],[-500 0 0],...




    % Plot Ewald sphere

    ewaldSurf = surf(Xe,Ye,Ze,'FaceColor',myGold,'LineStyle','none',...


    % Vary alpha of Ewald sphere in x-direction with offset of 50 so it

    % remains semitransparent for all elements of surf = ewaldSphere 



    % Scattering pattern - transform x- and y-coordinates according to

    % rotation angle theta then plot out with scatter3 

    xxnow = xx*cosd(theta) - yy*sind(theta);

    yynow = xx*sind(theta) + yy*cosd(theta);




    colormap turbo

    caxis([cmin cmax])


    % Plot part of scattering pattern that sits on the Ewald sphere 

    % highlighted in red 

    clear xxEw yyEw zzEw YEw 

    mm = 1;

    for ii = 1:size(xx)

        if (abs(xxnow(ii)) < 0.64)

            xxEw(mm) = xxnow(ii);

            yyEw(mm) = yynow(ii);

            zzEw(mm) = zz(ii);

            YEw(mm) = Y(ii);

            mm = mm+1;






    % Cone of forward-scattered x-rays

    t = 0:1; 

    % Generate cone coordinates with base radius = pad/2 

    [xC,yC,zC] = cylinder(t,pad/2); 

    % Transparency of cone representing scattered radiation proportional to

    % the sum of the scattered radiation that sits on the Ewald sphere, YEw

    coneAlp = sum(YEw,"omitnan")/2e6; 

    coneRad = surf(50*xC-510,50*yC,505*zC,'FaceAlpha',coneAlp,... 



    rotate(coneRad,[0 1 0],90,[-510,0,0]);


    % Finish off defining plotting appearance 

    axis off

    axis equal

    xlim([-640 70]);

    ylim([-280 280]);

    zlim([-280 280]);

    set(gca, 'Projection','perspective'); 




    % Capture frame and write to video 

    frame = getframe(gcf);


