Damped oscillator model of a bound electron interacting
with x-rays
Matlab code
% Damped oscillator model. Increase the photon energy linearly from 0.25 of
% E_B to twice E_B. For energies well below E_B, the electron moves exactly
% in the opposite direction to the E-field (F = -eE). The reradiated field
% is exactly out of phase with the electron motion, hence is in phase with
% the incident radiation. At photon energies well above E_B, the electron
% cannot respond instantaneously and assumes a motion in phase with the
% E-field amplitude. The reradiated field is therefore exactly out of phase
% with the incident radiation and the bound electron therefore dissipates
% energy (i.e., absorption of the incident field occurs).
close all
pos1 = [0 0 1 1];
% Parameters
E_B = 2.0; % Binding energy in arbitrary units
dt = 0.02; % Time step
nx = 200; % Number of points for wave curves
gamma = 0.1; % Damping parameter
% Create spatial grid for waves
x = linspace(-10, 10, nx);
% Time vector
t = 0:dt:15;
% Initialize figure
figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');
set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);
set(gcf,'Color','w'); % Black background
% Create video writer object
v = VideoWriter('dampedOscillator.mp4','MPEG-4');
v.FrameRate = 30;
% Scattered wave angles
theta = 0; % Angle in xy plane
phi = pi/2; % Angle from xy plane
% Calculate scattered wave path
[Y_scatter, X_scatter, Z_scatter] = deal(x*cos(theta), ...
x*sin(theta)*cos(phi), ...
% Calculate displacement direction vector for scattered wave
displacement_dir = [-sin(theta), cos(theta)*cos(phi), cos(theta)*sin(phi)];
for i = 1:length(t)
% Calculate photon energy (gradually increasing)
E_photon = E_B * (0.25 + 1.75 * (i/length(t)));
% Wave parameters
k = E_photon; % Wave number proportional to energy
omega = E_photon; % Angular frequency
% Calculate electron response using damped oscillator model
% Phase relative to driving field follows arctan(γω/(ω₀² - ω²))
phase = atan2(gamma * omega, E_B^2 - omega^2);
% Amplitude from damped oscillator model
amplitude = 1.0 / sqrt((E_B^2 - omega^2)^2 + (gamma * omega)^2);
% Electron position (oscillating in y-direction)
electron_pos = [0, -amplitude * cos(omega*t(i) - phase), 0];
% Calculate waves
% Incident wave (along x-axis, oscillating in z)
incident_wave = cos(k*x - omega*t(i));
Z_incident = -incident_wave;
% Scattered wave always π out of phase with electron motion
r = sqrt(X_scatter.^2 + Y_scatter.^2 + Z_scatter.^2);
scattered_wave = amplitude*cos(k*r - omega*t(i) - phase - pi)./sqrt(r + 0.1);
% Add oscillation to scattered wave perpendicular to propagation direction
scattered_wave_displacement_x = scattered_wave .* displacement_dir(1);
scattered_wave_displacement_y = scattered_wave .* displacement_dir(2);
scattered_wave_displacement_z = scattered_wave .* displacement_dir(3);
hold on;
% Plot incident wave
plot3(x, zeros(size(x)), Z_incident, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2);
% Plot scattered wave
plot3(X_scatter + scattered_wave_displacement_x, ...
Y_scatter + scattered_wave_displacement_y, ...
Z_scatter + scattered_wave_displacement_z, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2);
% Plot electron
plot3(electron_pos(1), electron_pos(3), -electron_pos(2), 'ko', ...
'MarkerFaceColor', 'yellow', 'MarkerSize', 15);
% Add coordinate system for reference
plot3([0 2], [0 0], [0 0], 'k-', 'LineWidth', 1); % x-axis
plot3([0 0], [0 2], [0 0], 'k-', 'LineWidth', 1); % y-axis
plot3([0 0], [0 0], [0 2], 'k-', 'LineWidth', 1); % z-axis
text(2.2, 0, 0, 'z');
text(0, 2.2, 0, 'x');
text(0, 0, 2.2, 'y');
set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');
% Add legend and text
legend('Incident Wave', 'Scattered Wave', 'Electron', 'Location',...
'northeast','FontSize', 20);
text(-9, 4, 4, sprintf('E_{photon} = %.2f\nE_B = %.2f',...
E_photon, E_B), 'FontSize', 20);
% Set view properties
view(45, 30); % 3D view
grid on;
axis([-10 10 -10 10 -5 5]);
% Lock them in place
axis manual
% axis equal
axis off
% Capture frame
frame = getframe(gcf);
writeVideo(v, frame);
% Close video writer
% Program to plot the absorption response and phase shift of a bound electron as a function of Gamma, the
% damping-term parameter
clear; close all
prompt = 'Lower limit of range of photon energy in units of E_B? [0.2]';
Emin = input(prompt);
if isempty(Emin)
Emin = 0.2;
prompt = 'Upper limit of range of photon energy in units of E_B? [2]';
Emax = input(prompt);
if isempty(Emax)
Emax = 2;
prompt = 'Lower limit of range of Gamma in units of E_B? [0.05]';
Gmin = input(prompt);
if isempty(Gmin)
Gmin = 0.05;
prompt = 'Upper limit of range of Gamma in units of E_B? [0.35]';
Gmax = input(prompt);
if isempty(Gmax)
Gmax = 0.35;
set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]); % Graph background white instead of default grey
vid = VideoWriter('dampedOscillatorGraph.mp4','MPEG-4');
vid.Quality = 100;
vid.FrameRate = 30;
for gamma = Gmin:0.00125:Gmax
hold off
omega = Emin:0.0001:Emax;
omega0 = 1;
amp = ((omega0^2 - omega.^2).^2 + (gamma*omega).^2).^(-1);
delta = atan2(gamma*omega,(omega0^2 - omega.^2));
yyaxis left
plot(omega,amp,'b','LineWidth', 2.0)
ax = gca;
ax.YAxis(1).Color = 'k';
ylabel('Amplitude [arb. units]','color','b');
hold on
yyaxis right
plot(omega,delta,'r','LineWidth', 2.0)
ax = gca;
ax.YAxis(2).Color = 'k';
ax.YLabel(1).Color = 'r';
ylabel('Phase [radians]','color','r');
set(gca,'ytick',[0:pi/2:pi]) % where to set the tick marks
set(gca,'yticklabels',{'0','\pi/2','\pi'}) % give them user-defined labels
set(gca,'TickLength',[0.02, 1]);
str1 = 'h\Gamma/E_B = ';
str2 = num2str(gamma,'% 4.3f');
strTot = [str1,str2];
hText = text(0.7*Emax, 2, strTot, 'FontSize',18);
frame = getframe(gcf);
hold off