Simulation of speckle patterns
Matlab code
% Program to generate movie of scattering pattern of increasing number of
% particles but at a roughly constant particle density whereby
% interference between scattering from individual particles generates
% speckle, whose characteristic separation is inversely proportional to
% the linear size of the envelope of the ensemble of the particles. Three
% options are possible: identical circles, variable-radius circles, or
% variable size polygons.
clear; close all
disp('Choose one of the following ensembles: Identical circles (I),');
prompt = 'variable-radius circles (V), Random polygons (P): ';
str = input(prompt,'s');
if (str == 'I') || (str == 'i')
vid = VideoWriter('identicalCircleSpeckle.mp4','MPEG-4');
elseif (str == 'V') || (str == 'v')
vid = VideoWriter('variableCircleSpeckle.mp4','MPEG-4');
vid = VideoWriter('polygonSpeckle.mp4','MPEG-4');
vid.Quality = 100;
vid.FrameRate = 1; % 1 frame/s
figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 4*4096 4*4096],'ToolBar','none');
set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);
% Plotting areas of two components of video
pos1 = [0 0 0.5 1]; % Ensemble of particles
pos2 = [0.5 0 0.5 1]; % FT of ensemble
ra = 0.04; % Radius of particles
R = ra*2.5; % Initial size of radius of ensemble
xmax = R*2^4.52;
coords = zeros(2,1024); % Initialize radii and angles of circle origins
for jj = 1:9
% Subplot of ensemble of particles
pic1 = subplot('position',pos1);
% Increase area by two to accommodate doubling of number of particles
R = R*sqrt(2);
if (jj == 1) || (jj == 2)
startval = jj;
startval = 2^(jj-2)+1;
endval = 2^(jj-1);
for ii = startval:endval % Double number of particles
if (jj == 1)
theta = 0;
delr = 0;
theta = 2*pi*rand;
delr = R*(1 - 1/sqrt(2))*rand;
% Place particles within annular ring with area equal to circle
% within it
coords(1,ii) = (R/sqrt(2)+delr)*cos(theta);
coords(2,ii) = (R/sqrt(2)+delr)*sin(theta);
hold off
for kk = 1:endval
hold on
if (str == 'P') || (str == 'p') % Polygons and circles
polyVal = 0.2 + rand*0.8; % Determines number of sides of polygon
polyVarSize = 0.5+rand; % Determines size of polygon
if (polyVal >= 0.3) % Not a circle
sides = round(10*polyVal);
th = 0:2*pi/sides:2*pi;
randAng = 2*pi*rand; % Determines angular orientation of polygon
x_circle = ra*polyVarSize*cos(th+randAng) + coords(1,kk);
y_circle = ra*polyVarSize*sin(th+randAng) + coords(2,kk);
plot(x_circle, y_circle);
fill(x_circle, y_circle, 'k')
else % Circle
th = 0:2*pi/50:2*pi;
x_circle = ra*polyVarSize*cos(th) + coords(1,kk);
y_circle = ra*polyVarSize*sin(th) + coords(2,kk);
plot(x_circle, y_circle);
fill(x_circle, y_circle, 'k')
elseif (str == 'V') || (str == 'v') % Variable-radius circles
th = 0:2*pi/50:2*pi;
VarSize = 0.5+rand; % Radius between 0.5 and 1.5 of average
x_circle = ra*VarSize*cos(th) + coords(1,kk);
y_circle = ra*VarSize*sin(th) + coords(2,kk);
plot(x_circle, y_circle);
fill(x_circle, y_circle, 'k')
else % Identical circles
th = 0:2*pi/50:2*pi;
x_circle = ra * cos(th) + coords(1,kk);
y_circle = ra * sin(th) + coords(2,kk);
plot(x_circle, y_circle);
fill(x_circle, y_circle, 'k')
% Add white circles at corners to stop saved image shrinking to size of
% present ensemble
for aa = -1:2:1
for bb = -1:2:1
x_circle = ra * cos(th) + aa*xmax;
y_circle = ra * sin(th) + bb*xmax;
plot(x_circle, y_circle,'w*','Linewidth',0.0001);
pp = fill(x_circle, y_circle, 'w');
pp.LineWidth = 0.0001;
pp.EdgeColor = [0.99 0.99 0.99];
axis square
xlim([-xmax xmax])
ylim([-xmax xmax])
axis off
filename = 'circles.png';
% Subplot of FT of ensemble
I = imread(filename);
hold off
I1 = double(I);
F = fft2(I1);
F = fftshift(F);
minInt = min(min((abs(F)).^0.4)); % Power 0.4 compresses intensity scale
maxInt = max(max((abs(F)).^0.4));
xsize = round(0.1*size(F,1)); % 10% of linear dimension of FT image
F = F(4*xsize:6*xsize,4*xsize:6*xsize); % Central 20% x 20% of FT
imshow(((abs(F)).^0.4),[minInt,maxInt/(1+jj/5)]); % Scale varies with jj to keep nice intensity range
greenBlack = customcolormap([0 1], {'#00ff00','#000000'}); % Similar to laser green speckle
frame = getframe(gcf);