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% Movie of generating nonlaminar beam and its phase-space ellipse as a

% function of position along beam


clear; close all;

vid = VideoWriter('electronEllipseEmittance.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;



figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

%set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]); % White




M = 5000; % Number of emitting electrons

col = [0.3 0.4 0.7];


x = randn(M,1); % Gaussian random distribution used for position

y = randn(M,1); % Gaussian random distribution used for angle

R = 1; % ratio of normalized x and x' determines b/a of ellipse


for i = -1:0.01:1 % Number of loops (frames)


    subplot(1, 9, [7, 8, 9]);  % Last two slots of six for this plot. Used 6 and not 3 to make the gap between

    % this subplot and the other smaller


    hold off;

    xnow = x+(y*i); % Move along beam direction from beginning of converging beam at -1

    % to focus at 0, and on to spreading beam up to +1

    scatter(xnow/R,R*y,10,'filled','MarkerFaceColor',col); % plot electrons in phase space

    axis square % Keep scaling 1:1 for x,y

    axis([-4.4 4.4 -5 5]) % axis limits

    axis off



    subplot(1, 9, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) % Occupies the first four of six horizontal plot positions


    hold off;

    axis square % Keep scaling 1:1 for x,y

    axis off

    xchord = [0*x-1 1+(0*x)]; % From zero to 1.0 in x-direction

    ychord = [(x-y)/R R*(x+y)]; % From position of electron on x-axis to the end of the emitted ray

    % determined by the angle generator in y

    cc = jet(100);

    for j = 1:2:M % Plot the rays in the x-plane

        hold on

        colIndex = 50+round(y(j)*100/(max(y) - min(y))); % maximize range of jet palette

        if (colIndex>100)

            colIndex = 100;


        if (colIndex<1)

            colIndex = 1;


        ebeam = plot(xchord(j,:), ychord(j,:), 'color',cc(colIndex,:), 'Linewidth', 1.4);

        ebeam.Color(4) = 0.5; % Semitransparent line


    p1 = plot([i i], [-5.6 5.6], 'color', 'red', 'Linewidth', 8); % Moving vertical line along beam path

    p1.Color(4) = 0.25; % Semitransparent line

    p2 = plot([i+0.005 i+0.005], [-5.6 5.6], 'color', 'red', 'Linewidth', 8); % Moving vertical line along beam path

    p2.Color(4) = 0.25; % Semitransparent line


    hold off;

    axis([-1 1 -10 10])

    hold off;

    % Store the frame

    frame = getframe(gcf);



hold off;

% Output the movie as an mpg file


Cartoon of electron-beam phase-space emittance  

Matlab code