Crystal type cartoons
Matlab code 

% Program to generate cartoons of different crystal sample types 

% Single crystal, twinned, mosaic spread, textured, powder, and

% nanocrystalline. 


% Uses an adaptation of the function platonic_solid, see 


% Courtesy Kevin Moerman 


clear; close all;


disp('Choose one of the following crystal types: Single (S), Twinned (T), Mosaic spread (M),');

prompt = 'teXtured (X), Powder (P), nanocrystalline (N) ';

str = input(prompt,'s');


figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

str1 = 'CrystalType_';

str3 = '.mp4';

fileName = [str1,str,str3]; % Name of file depends on type of crystal sample 

vid = VideoWriter(fileName,'MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;


set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);


set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');

lp = [-1 -1 0.1];

myBlue = [0.5 0.55 0.88];


% Single crystal 

if (str == 'S') || (str == 's'

    for phi = 0:2:358


        hold off 

        LL = 1.6;

        xlim([-LL LL]);

        ylim([-LL LL]);

        zlim([-LL LL]);


        axis equal

        axis square

        axis off


        [V,F] = platonic_solid(3,1); % Octahedron, size = 1

        ps = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',myBlue,'FaceAlpha',1, ...


        direction = [0 0 1];

        rotate(ps,direction,phi,[0 0 0]) 

        material shiny 

        hold on

        plot3([-LL LL],[-LL LL],[-LL -LL],'color','white', 'LineWidth', 0.1); % dummy line to keep FOV constant


        set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');



        frame = getframe(gcf);


        hold off 




% Twinned crystal 

if (str == 'T') || (str == 't'

    for phi = 0:2:358


        hold off 

        LL = 1.6;

        xlim([-LL LL]);

        ylim([-LL LL]);

        zlim([-LL LL]);


        axis equal

        axis square

        axis off


        [V,F] = platonic_solid(3,1); % Octahedron, size = 1 

        V(:,3) = V(:,3)+0.586;

        ps1 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',myBlue,'FaceAlpha',1, ...


        direction1 = [0 1 0];

        rotate(ps1,direction1,35,[0 0 -0.414])

        direction2 = [0 0 1];

        rotate(ps1,direction2,phi,[0 0 0]) 

        [V,F] = platonic_solid(3,1); % Octahedron, size = 1 

        V(:,3) = V(:,3)+0.586;

        ps2 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',myBlue,'FaceAlpha',1, ...


        direction1 = [0 1 0];

        rotate(ps2,direction1,-35,[0 0 -0.414])

        direction2 = [0 0 1];

        rotate(ps2,direction2,phi,[0 0 0])

        [V,F] = platonic_solid(3,1); % Octahedron, size = 1 

        V(:,3) = V(:,3)-0.586;

        ps3 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',myBlue,'FaceAlpha',1, ...


        direction1 = [0 1 0];

        rotate(ps3,direction1,35,[0 0 0.414])

        direction2 = [0 0 1];

        rotate(ps3,direction2,phi,[0 0 0])

        [V,F] = platonic_solid(3,1); % Octahedron, size = 1 

        V(:,3) = V(:,3)-0.586;

        ps4 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',myBlue,'FaceAlpha',1, ...


        direction1 = [0 1 0];

        rotate(ps4,direction1,-35,[0 0 0.414])

        direction2 = [0 0 1];

        rotate(ps4,direction2,phi,[0 0 0])


        material shiny

        hold on

        plot3([-LL LL],[-LL LL],[-LL -LL],'color','white', 'LineWidth', 0.1); % dummy line to keep FOV constant


        set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');



        frame = getframe(gcf);


        hold off 




% Crystal with Mosaic spread 

if (str == 'M') || (str == 'm')

    randOrient = rand(5,5,5,3); % 5x5x5 mosaic blocks, each with its own three tilt angles

    for phi = 0:2:358


        hold off

        LL = 4.5;

        xlim([-LL LL]);

        ylim([-LL LL]);

        zlim([-LL LL]);


        axis equal

        axis square

        axis off


        for xx = -2:2

            for yy = -2:2

                for zz = -2:2

                    [V,F] = platonic_solid(2,0.88); % Cube, size = 0.88

                    V(:,1) = V(:,1)+xx;

                    V(:,2) = V(:,2)+yy;

                    V(:,3) = V(:,3)+zz;

                    ps1 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',myBlue,'FaceAlpha',1, ...


                    direction1 = [1 0 0];

                    rotate(ps1,direction1,7*(randOrient(xx+3,yy+3,zz+3,1)-0.5),[xx yy zz])

                    direction2 = [0 1 0];

                    rotate(ps1,direction2,7*(randOrient(xx+3,yy+3,zz+3,2)-0.5),[xx yy zz])

                    direction3 = [0 0 1];

                    rotate(ps1,direction3,7*(randOrient(xx+3,yy+3,zz+3,3)-0.5),[xx yy zz])


                    direction4 = [0 0 1];

                    rotate(ps1,direction4,phi,[0 0 0])


                    material shiny

                    hold on




        plot3([-LL LL],[-LL LL],[-LL -LL],'color','white', 'LineWidth', 0.1); % dummy line to keep FOV constant


        set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');



        frame = getframe(gcf);


        hold off


    end % end for rotation loop



% teXtured sample 

if (str == 'X') || (str == 'x'

    randOrient = rand(7,7,11); % 7x7x11 texture blocks, randomly oriented in x-y plane 

    for phi = 0:2:358


        hold off

        LL = 5;

        xlim([-LL LL]);

        ylim([-LL LL]);

        zlim([-LL LL]);


        axis equal

        axis square

        axis off


        for xx = -3:3

            for yy = -3:3

                for zz = -5:5

                    [V,F] = platonic_solid(2,0.8); % Cube, size = 0.8

                    V(:,1) = V(:,1)+xx;

                    V(:,2) = V(:,2)+yy;

                    V(:,3) = (7/11)*(V(:,3)+zz);

                    ps1 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',myBlue,'FaceAlpha',1, ...


                    direction3 = [0 0 1];

                    rotate(ps1,direction3,90*(randOrient(xx+4,yy+4,zz+6)-0.5),[xx yy 7*zz/11])


                    direction4 = [0 0 1];

                    rotate(ps1,direction4,phi,[0 0 0])


                    material shiny

                    hold on




        plot3([-LL LL],[-LL LL],[-LL -LL],'color','white', 'LineWidth', 0.1); % dummy line to keep FOV constant


        set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');



        frame = getframe(gcf);


        hold off

    end % end for rotation loop



% Powder or nanocrystalline sample

if (str == 'P') || (str == 'p') || (str == 'N') || (str == 'x'

    if (str == 'P') || (str == 'p')

        LL = 6;


    if (str == 'N') || (str == 'n')

        LL = 10;



    randOrient = rand(2*LL-1,2*LL-1,2*LL-1,7); % (2LL+1)^3 mosaic blocks, each with its own 

    % three tilt angles, crystal size, and coordinates x, y, and z

    for phi = 0:2:358


        hold off

        xlim([-LL LL]);

        ylim([-LL LL]);

        zlim([-LL LL]);


        axis equal

        axis square

        axis off


        for xx = -LL+1:LL-1

            for yy = -LL+1:LL-1

                for zz = -LL+1:LL-1 

                    xxx = randOrient(xx+LL,yy+LL,zz+LL,5) - 0.5; 

                    yyy = randOrient(xx+LL,yy+LL,zz+LL,6) - 0.5; 

                    zzz = randOrient(xx+LL,yy+LL,zz+LL,7) - 0.5; 

                    radius = (xxx^2 + yyy^2 + zzz^2)^0.5;

                    if (radius <= 0.525)

                    xstalSize = 0.14+0.37*randOrient(xx+LL,yy+LL,zz+LL,4);

                    [V,F] = platonic_solid(3,xstalSize); % Octahedron, random size  

                    V(:,1) = V(:,1)+2*(LL-1)*xxx;

                    V(:,2) = V(:,2)+2*(LL-1)*yyy;

                    V(:,3) = V(:,3)+2*(LL-1)*zzz;

                    ps1 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',myBlue,'FaceAlpha',1, ...


                    direction1 = [1 0 0];

                    rotate(ps1,direction1,90*(randOrient(xx+LL,yy+LL,zz+LL,1)-0.5),[xxx yyy zzz])

                    direction2 = [0 1 0];

                    rotate(ps1,direction2,90*(randOrient(xx+LL,yy+LL,zz+LL,2)-0.5),[xxx yyy zzz])

                    direction3 = [0 0 1];

                    rotate(ps1,direction3,90*(randOrient(xx+LL,yy+LL,zz+LL,3)-0.5),[xxx yyy zzz])


                    direction4 = [0.1 0.1 1];

                    rotate(ps1,direction4,phi,[0 0 0])


                    material shiny

                    hold on 





        plot3([-LL LL],[-LL LL],[-LL -LL],'color','white', 'LineWidth', 0.1); % dummy line to keep FOV constant

        phi % Monitor on screen progression, as this can take some time for LL = 10 

        set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');



        frame = getframe(gcf);


        hold off


    end % end for rotation loop



% Output the movie as an mpg file
