Scattering techniques
Cartoon of conditions for Bragg’s law
Cartoons of meeting the Bragg condition and the Ewald sphere
Cartoons of Laue diffraction
Cartoon of lunes
Cartoon of serial crystallography
3D plot of successive diffraction patterns of lysozyme captured using SSX
Generation of electron-density isosurfaces from complex
structure factors
Plot year for year of historical x-ray- and cryoEM-structure deposits in the PDB
Plot of Bragg-peak intensities for benzyl-penicillin also showing the Bijvoet ratios of Friedel pairs
Collapse of a 3D silicon single-crystal diffraction pattern to a 1D powder pattern
Surface x-ray diffraction measurements
LEED explanation of how crystal-truncation rods form
Variation of crystal-truncation rod intensities as a function of out-of-plane Q-vector with relaxation of the surface layer
Si(111) 7x7 reconstruction
Cartoon of bulk termination to surface reconstruction
Cartoon of layer-for-layer thin film growth and corresponding XRR signal