Cartoon of flexing a planar x-ray mirror to vary the bending radius Matlab code
% Cartoon of flexing a mirror to change the bending radius
clear; close all;
vid = VideoWriter('flexedMirror.mp4','MPEG-4');
vid.FrameRate = 60; % Default 30
vid.Quality = 100; % Default 75
set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]); % Make background colour white
figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');
tighten = 20:20:4000;
relax = 4000:-20:20;
tightenrelax = [0.1 tighten relax 0.1];
for i = tightenrelax
hold off
r = 1000000/i; % Vary the radius of arc between 50 m and 250 mm
l = 180; % Set the length of arc to 180 mm
crcm = 2*pi*r; % Full circle circumference
arcfrac = l/crcm; % Arc length fraction of circumference
angfrac = 2*pi*arcfrac; % Angle fraction of circumference (rad)
halfang = 180*arcfrac;
angv = linspace(-pi/2-angfrac/2, -pi/2+angfrac/2); % Angle vector in radians
x = r*cos(angv);
y = r*sin(angv) + r;
plot(x, y, 'Color', [37 44 94]/256, 'LineWidth',32)
hold on
axis equal
axis off
axis([-150 150 -20 150])
str1 = 'Subtended angle = +/- ';
str2 = num2str(halfang,'% 4.2f');
str3 = '^{o}';
strTot = [str1,str2,str3];
hText = text(0, 100, strTot, 'FontSize',22,'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');
frame = getframe(gcf);
hold on
% Output the movie as an mpg file