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% Cartoon of HTSU10 undulator. This cartoon shows how the flux-density

% curves (5 - 60 keV) change as the magnetic-field amplitude between the 

% magnet arrays on axis increases. This is accompanied by an increase in 

% integrated intensity (how opaque the x-ray beam is); an increase in 

% electron-beam oscillation amplitude; an increase in solenoid current 

% (shown by the ammeter); and a reddening of the HTS magnet half-moon 

% blocks. The spectra are plotted with a logarithmic ordinate axis. Note 

% that in practice, one never applies the solenoid field during operation 

% of the storage ring. 

% The parameters used to generate the undulator spectra in SPECTRA are: 

% Storage-ring energy = 2.7 GeV 

% Current = 400 mA 

% Circumference = 288 m 

% Bunches = 480 

% Natural emittance = 150 pm.rad 

% Coupling constant = 0.002 

% Energy spread = 0.0011 

% beta_x,y = 2.5, 1.28 

% All other accelerator constants = 0 

% Linear undulator 

% B = 0.01 - 2 Tesla in 0.01-T steps (this appears not to be a variable 

% parameter, hence I took 200 linear steps in K from 0.01 to 1.86746, as 

% this maximum value corresponds to B = 2 T). 

% lambda_u = 10 mm 

% Device length = 1 m

% End Correction Magnet: activated 

% Far field and ideal conditions: energy dependence of partial flux through

% a rectangular slit 1 x 1 mm2 at 30 m, slit position @ 0,0. 

% 5000 - 60000 eV, 1-eV steps 

% Many thanks go to Marco Calvi, PSI for assistance in generating the

% spectra. 

clear; clc

vid = VideoWriter('HTSU10a.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;


figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);


lp = [2 -1 0.4]; % Angle of lighting

lp2 = [0 1 0]; % Second angle of lighting

grey = [0.64 0.64 0.64];

myBlue = [0.4 0.44 0.73];

myGold = [1.0 0.83 0];

myCream = [1.0 0.99 0.95];

% Custom rainbow color map for undulator spectrum

rgb = customcolormap([0 0.14 0.28 0.43 0.57 0.71 0.86 1],...

    {'#800000','#ff0000', '#ffa500', '#ffff00', '#00ff00',...

    '#00ffff', '#0000ff', '#7f00ff'},55001);

rgb = flip(rgb);

% Custom color map for increasing activation of magnets by solenoid B-field

greyRed = customcolormap([0 1], [0.64 0.64 0.64; 0.7 0 0],200);

greyRed = flip(greyRed);

% Maximize the area plotted

pos1 = [-0.1 -0.55 1.25 1.9];

str1 = 'HTSU10/P_'; % Folder HTSU10, files beginning with 'P_'

str3 = '.txt';

% Find max and min intensity of all ID spectral data

% Max

filename = [str1 '200' str3];

IDspect = importdata(filename,' ',2); % Ignore first two lines

IDspectrum =;

maxY = max(IDspectrum(:,2));


for jj = 1:200


    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    % Create coordinates for solenoid and draw it

    r1 = 1; % Inner radius of winding

    r2 = 1.02; % Outer radius of winding

    rWire = (r2 - r1)/2; % Radius of winding wire

    L = 5; % Length of solenoid

    loop = 50.5; % Number of windings

    nNodes = 10; % Resolution of drawing the wire surface

    nCS = 90*loop; % Number of cross-sections of wire going to make up coiled surface

    totAng = loop*360; % Total angle subtended by winding the wire

    theta = linspace(0,2*pi,nNodes);

    r = 0.5*(r2-r1)*ones(1,nNodes);

    z = r.*cos(theta);

    y = r.*sin(theta) + r1 + rWire;

    x = zeros(1,nNodes);

    dz = linspace(0,L,nCS) - L/2;

    phi = linspace(0,totAng,nCS);

    X = [];

    Y = [];

    Z = [];

    for i = 1:nCS

        temp_CS = rotz(phi(i)) * [x;y;z];

        X = [X;temp_CS(1,:)];

        Y = [Y;temp_CS(2,:)];

        Z = [Z;temp_CS(3,:) + dz(i)];


    solenoid = surf(X,Y,Z,'lineStyle','none','faceColor',grey,...


    rotate(solenoid,[0 1 0],90,[0,0,0]);

    hold on

    % Straight end wire of windings

    wireL = 1.6;

    [xW,yW,zW] = cylinder(rWire,nNodes);

    xW = xW+L/2;

    yW = yW-(r2+r1)/2;

    zW = -wireL*zW;

    endWire = surf(xW,yW,zW,'lineStyle','none','faceColor',grey,...


    % Ammeter

    amHt = 0.2;

    [xA,yA,zA] = cylinder(amHt,180); % Curved surface

    xA = xA + L/2;

    yA = yA - (r2+r1)/2;

    zA = amHt*zA - wireL/2 - amHt/2-0.01;

    ammeter = surf(xA,yA,zA,'lineStyle','none','faceColor',grey,...


    rotate(ammeter,[1 0 0],90,[L/2,-(r2+r1)/2,-wireL/2])

    % Ammeter face

    th = 0:360;

    xF = 0.999*amHt*cosd(th)+L/2;

    zF = 0.999*amHt*sind(th)-wireL/2;

    yF = 0.0*xF-r1-amHt/2+0.02;



    for ii = -120:20:120

        plot3([0.19*sind(ii) 0.16*sind(ii)]+L/2,...

            [-r1-amHt/2+0.019 -r1-amHt/2+0.019],...

            [0.19*cosd(ii) 0.16*cosd(ii)]-wireL/2,...



    % Write 'A'

    plot3([L/2 L/2-0.035],[-r1-amHt/2+0.019 -r1-amHt/2+0.019],...

        [-wireL/2-0.05 -wireL/2-0.1],'Color','k','lineWidth',2)

    plot3([L/2 L/2+0.035],[-r1-amHt/2+0.019 -r1-amHt/2+0.019],...

        [-wireL/2-0.05 -wireL/2-0.1],'Color','k','lineWidth',2)

    plot3([L/2-0.0175 L/2+0.0175],[-r1-amHt/2+0.019 -r1-amHt/2+0.019],...

        [-wireL/2-0.075 -wireL/2-0.075],'Color','k','lineWidth',2)

    % Ammeter pointer

    dialArrow = mArrow3([L/2,-r1-amHt/2,-wireL/2-0.1],...



    rotate(dialArrow,[0 1 0],-120+(jj*240/200),[L/2,-r1-amHt/2,-wireL/2])

    [a,b,c] = sphere(20);



    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    % Create HTS half moons (not quite half moons)

    theta = 16:164; % Not quite 180 degrees for main semicircle

    phi = -90:16; % Range of rounding angles

    moonRad = 0.4; % Radius of HTS insert

    cornRad = 0.04; % Radius of rounded corners

    moonWidth = 0.125; % Width of HTS insert

    dum = 0.0*theta;

    % Flat face

    cornOriginy = -(moonRad-cornRad)*cosd(16); % y-position of origin of rounded corner

    cornOriginz = (moonRad-cornRad)*sind(16); % z-position of origin of rounded corner

    yCorn = -cornRad*cosd(phi)+cornOriginy;

    xCorn = 0.0*yCorn;

    zCorn = cornRad*sind(phi)+cornOriginz;

    yMoon = [yCorn -moonRad*cosd(theta) -flip(yCorn)];

    xMoon = [xCorn 0.0*theta xCorn];

    zMoon = [zCorn moonRad*sind(theta) flip(zCorn)];

    % Curved face

    [x2,y2,z2] = cylinder(moonRad,360);

    for kk = 1:2

        for ll = 1:361

            if (x2(kk,ll)<cornOriginz)

                x2(kk,ll) = NaN;

                y2(kk,ll) = NaN;

                z2(kk,ll) = NaN;




    [x3,y3,z3] = cylinder(cornRad,90);

    for ii = -floor(L/2):2*moonWidth:floor(L/2)

        % Top magnets


            'none') % Back face top magnets


            'none') % Front face top magnets

        moonMain = surf(x2,y2,z2*moonWidth+ii,'FaceAlpha',1,'FaceColor',...



        rotate(moonMain,[0 1 0],-90,[0 0 0])

        moonCorn1 = surf(x3+cornOriginz,y3+cornOriginy,z3*moonWidth+ii,...



        rotate(moonCorn1,[0 1 0],-90,[0 0 0])

        moonCorn2 = surf(x3+cornOriginz,y3-cornOriginy,z3*moonWidth+ii,...



        rotate(moonCorn2,[0 1 0],-90,[0 0 0])

        % Bottom magnets


            'none') % Back face top magnets


            'none') % Front face top magnets

        moonMain = surf(-x2,y2,z2*moonWidth+ii-moonWidth,'FaceAlpha',1,...



        rotate(moonMain,[0 1 0],-90,[0 0 0])

        moonCorn1 = surf(-(x3+cornOriginz),y3+cornOriginy,...



        rotate(moonCorn1,[0 1 0],-90,[0 0 0])

        moonCorn2 = surf(-(x3+cornOriginz),y3-cornOriginy,...



        rotate(moonCorn2,[0 1 0],-90,[0 0 0])

        fill3(ii+moonWidth*[0 1 1 0],cornOriginy*[-1 -1 1 1],...

            -(cornOriginz-cornRad)*[1 1 1 1],greyRed(jj,:),'LineStyle',...



    % Electron beam

    ebeamXrange = -2*L/3:4*L/3000:2*L/3;

    ebeamx = ones(1,size(ebeamXrange,2));

    ebeamAlp = jj*0.025/200;

    % Suppress e-beam oscillations outside of magnet array

    squareFn = 1./(1+exp(-25*(ebeamXrange+floor(L/2))))*...


    % e-beam itself

    ebeamy = ebeamAlp*cos(2*pi*ebeamXrange/(2*moonWidth)).*squareFn;

    [ebX,ebY,ebZ] = cylinder(ebeamx);

    ebeam = surf(0.005*ebX,0.01*ebY+ebeamy',4*L*ebZ/3-2*L/3,'lineStyle',...


    rotate(ebeam,[0 1 0],90,[0 0 0])

    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    % Create light cone

    conecoord1 = 0:0.01:pi;     % coordinates of light cone schematic

    conecoord2 = 0:0.02:2*pi;   % coordinates of light cone schematic


    zcoordcone1 = 0.2*(1 - sin(conecoord1)).*sin(conecoord1).*cos(conecoord2);

    ycoordcone1 = 0.2*(1 - sin(conecoord1)).*sin(conecoord1).*sin(conecoord2);

    xcoordcone1 = 8*abs(cos(conecoord1)).^2;

    coneAlpha = jj/500; % Light cone brightness

    lightCone = surf(xcoordcone1,ycoordcone1,zcoordcone1,...



    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    % Plot undulator spectrum

    str2 = num2str(jj);

    filename = [str1 str2 str3];

    IDspect = importdata(filename,' ',2); % Ignore first two lines

    IDspectrum =;

    xdata = IDspectrum(:,1);

    ydata = 0.0*xdata(:,1);

    zdata = IDspectrum(:,2); % Bring zData minimum to zero

    zdata = log(zdata)/log(maxY);

    % Fit polynomial expression to baseline of the high-energy tail of the 

    % spectrum. This is done to avoid annoying jumps in the vertical 

    % position of thespectrum when a new peak drifts into the end of that 

    % spectrum. The final y-value of the polynomial fit is used as minY

    ii = 1;

    if (zdata(end) ~= min(zdata))

        % Discover local minima in second half of spectrum and make an array of them

        for kk = 40000:54995

            if (zdata(kk-6) > zdata(kk)) && (zdata(kk+6) > zdata(kk))

                minArray(ii,1) = xdata(kk);

                minArray(ii,2) = zdata(kk);

                ii = ii+1;



        % Polynomial fit of high-energy part of spectrum 

        p1 = polyfit(minArray(:,1),minArray(:,2),1); 

        fit1 = polyval(p1,xdata(32000:end));

        minY = fit1(end);


        minY = min(zdata);


    xdata = 4*IDspectrum(:,1)/max(IDspectrum(:,1))+0.8*L;

    z2data = 2*(zdata-minY)+0.05;


    clear minArray 

    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    % Plotting rendering gumpf

    axis tight

    axis equal

    axis off



    set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');


    frame = getframe(gcf);


    hold off

end % jj-loop for the frames

% Output the movie as an mpg file


Dependence of ID spectra on electron emittance 

Matlab code