Download matlab code

% Movie plotting out the spectra of a U14 undulator at SLS as a function of

% electron-beam emittance

% Comment out "hold on" to get individual spectra per frame instead of

% accumulated spectra


clear; close all;


vid = VideoWriter('IDspectraVemittance.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 10;


figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);


% Create rgb progression through a rainbow

bot = 8:8:128; % 0 to 7f in 16 steps

top = 128:8:248; % 80 to ff

all = 0:16:240; % 0 to ff

botc = 0*all; % vector of zeros

midc = botc + 127; % vector of 127s

topc = botc + 255; % vector of 255s

rcomp = [top topc topc flip(all) botc botc bot flip(bot)]/256; % R in rgb

gcomp = [botc bot top flip(top) midc flip(bot) botc botc]/256; % G in rgb

bcomp = [botc botc botc botc bot midc midc flip(bot)]/256; % B in rgb


str7 = '{\epsilon_x^e} = ';

str8 = ' pm.rad';

str4 = 'Flux into 38 x 38 {\mu}rad^2';

str5 = 'U14 CPMU';


N = 101;

for ii = 1:N

    if (ii>1)






    % Comment out 'hold off' if you want accumulated plots but simply a

    % single spectrum per frame

    % hold off

    str1 = 'IDspectra/';

    str2 = num2str(sprintf('%03d',ii));

    str3 = '.dat';

    strTot = [str1,str2,str3];

    M = dlmread(strTot, ' ', 2, 0); % Read in file, ignore first two lines


        'color',[rcomp(ii+10) gcomp(ii+10) bcomp(ii+10)], 'LineWidth', 2);

    hold on

    str6 = num2str(5500 - ((ii-1)*(5360/(N-1))),'% 7.1f');

    strTot3 = [str7,str6,str8];

    hText = text(22, 5e13, strTot3, 'FontSize',28,...

        'color',[rcomp(ii+10) gcomp(ii+10) bcomp(ii+10)]);

    hText2 = text(22, 1.5e14, str4, 'FontSize',28);

    hText3 = text(22, 4.0e14, str5, 'FontSize',28);



    set(gca,'TickLength',[0.016, 2]);



    xlim([1 30]);

    ylim([3e9 5e15]);

    xlabel('Photon energy [keV]');

    ylabel('Flux ph/s/0.1% BW');

    hold on

    % Store the frame

    frame = getframe(gcf);



% Output the movie as an mpg file


Dependence of ID spectra on electron emittance 

Matlab code