Kronig-Penney model of a 1-D periodic potential and resulting dispersion and density-of-states curves 

Matlab code

% Program to plot the dispersion curve and density of states of a 1-D array

% of atoms according to the Kronig-Penney model, a simplified model in

% solid-state physics for electrons in a one-dimensional pulselike

% periodic potential. See e.g.,

% for

% the physics background.

close all


figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);

% Locations and sizes of subplots

pos1 = [0.05 0.25 0.28 0.4];

pos2 = [0.38 0.25 0.28 0.4];

pos3 = [0.71 0.25 0.28 0.4];

nFrames = 300; % Number of frames in the movie 

potLength = 8; % Length of potential plot in x-direction in Angstroms 

% Constants

hbar = 1.05457E-34; % Reduced Planck's constant 

ec = 1.6022E-19; % Elemental charge

% Functions for hyperbolic cosine and sine

cosh = @(x) (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2;

sinh = @(x) (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2;

prompt = ['Which parameter do you want to scan? \n' ...

    'V = potential difference between maximum and minimum in periodic perturbation \n' ...

    'P = Periodicity \n' ...

    'D = duty cycle (peak width/periodicity): '];

varPar = input(prompt, 's');

prompt = 'Lower energy limit for plot [eV]? Default = -1 eV: ';

E1 = input(prompt);

if isempty(E1)

    E1 = -1;


prompt = 'Upper energy limit for plot [eV]? Default = 50 eV: ';

E2 = input(prompt);

if isempty(E2)

    E2 = 50;


prompt = 'Lower potential of periodic square wave [V]? Default = 0 V: ';

V1 = input(prompt);

if isempty(V1)

    V1 = 0; % Can't think of a situation where one would not set this to 0 


% Variable value of pulse potential height

if (varPar == 'v' || varPar == 'V') % Potential is the variable

    prompt = 'Starting upper potential of periodic square wave [V]? : ';

    V21 = input(prompt);

    prompt = 'Ending upper potential of periodic square wave [V]? : ';

    V22 = input(prompt);

    Vmax = V22; 

    loopVals = linspace(V21,V22,nFrames);

    vid = VideoWriter('kronigPenney_potential.mp4','MPEG-4');

else % Not the variable

    prompt = 'Upper potential of periodic square wave [V]? Default = 10 V: ';

    V2 = input(prompt);

    Vmax = V2; 

    if isempty(V2)

        V2 = 10;

        Vmax = V2; 



% Variable value of pulse potential periodicity

if (varPar == 'p' || varPar == 'P') % Periodicity is the variable

    prompt = 'Starting periodicity [Å]? : ';

    P1 = input(prompt)*1e-10;

    prompt = 'Ending periodicity [Å]? : ';

    P2 = input(prompt)*1e-10;

    loopVals = linspace(P1,P2,nFrames);

    vid = VideoWriter('kronigPenney_periodicity.mp4','MPEG-4');

else % Not the variable

    prompt = 'Periodicity of 1-D potential [Å]? Default = 1.6 Å: ';

    a = input(prompt);

    if isempty(a)

        a = 1.6e-10;


        a = a*1e-10; % Convert to m



% Variable value of pulse potential duty cycle

if (varPar == 'd' || varPar == 'D') % Duty cycle is the variable

    prompt = 'Starting pulse width [Å]? : ';

    c1 = input(prompt)*1e-10;

    prompt = 'Ending pulse width [Å]? : ';

    c2 = input(prompt)*1e-10;

    b1 = a - c1; % Starting width of lower potential in m

    b2 = a - c2; % Ending width of lower potential in m

    loopVals = linspace(b1,b2,nFrames);

    vid = VideoWriter('kronigPenney_dutyCycle.mp4','MPEG-4');

else % Not the variable

    prompt = 'Width of peak voltage of 1-D potential [Å]? Default = 0.6 Å: ';

    c = input(prompt);

    if isempty(c)

        c = 0.6e-10;


        c = c*1e-10; % Convert to m



m = 9.11e-31; % Mass of electron in kg

N = 5000; % Number of energy points to plot

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;


% Calculate dispersion and DoS curves 

for ii = loopVals

    % Initialize arrays

    dispersion = zeros(N, 2);

    density_of_states = zeros(N, 2);

    if (varPar == 'd' || varPar == 'D') % Duty cycle is the variable 

        b = ii; % Change b-value for each loop 

        V2 = Vmax; 


    if (varPar == 'v' || varPar == 'V') % Peak potential is the variable 

        V2 = ii; % Change upper-voltage-value for each loop 

        b = a - c; 


    if (varPar == 'p' || varPar == 'P') % Periodicity is the variable 

        a = ii; % Change periodicity for each loop 

        b = ii - c; % Width of lower potential in m

        V2 = Vmax; 


    potLoop = ceil(potLength*1e-10/a);

    potential = zeros(4*potLoop,2);

    for jj = 0:potLoop-1

        potential(1+jj*4,1) = 0 + a*jj*1e9;

        potential(1+jj*4,2) = V1;

        potential(2+jj*4,1) = b*1e9 + a*jj*1e9;

        potential(2+jj*4,2) = V1;

        potential(3+jj*4,1) = b*1e9 + a*jj*1e9;

        potential(3+jj*4,2) = V2;

        potential(4+jj*4,1) = a*1e9 + a*jj*1e9;

        potential(4+jj*4,2) = V2;


    % Convert potentials to Joules 

    V1 = V1 * ec;

    V2 = V2 * ec;

    maxDOE = 0.0; 

    % Loop through energy levels

    for i = 1:N % i-loop 

        E = E1 + (E2 - E1) * (i - 1) / (N - 1);

        EJ = E * ec; % energy in Joules

        k1 = sqrt(2 * m * abs(EJ - V1)) / hbar;

        k2 = sqrt(2 * m * abs(EJ - V2)) / hbar;

        dk1dE = m / (hbar^2 * k1);

        dk2dE = m / (hbar^2 * k2);

        if EJ < V1

            alpha = 2 * cosh(k2 * (a - b)) * cosh(k1 * b) + ... 

                (k2 / k1 + k1 / k2) * sinh(k2 * (a - b)) * sinh(k1 * b);

            dispersion(i, :) = [0, E];

            density_of_states(i, :) = [0, E];

            if (max(density_of_states(i,2)) > maxDOE)

                maxDOE = max(density_of_states(i,2));



            if EJ < V2

                dk2dE = -m / (hbar^2 * k2);

                alpha = 2 * cosh(k2 * (a - b)) * cos(k1 * b) + ...

                    (k2 / k1 - k1 / k2) * sinh(k2 * (a - b)) * sin(k1 * b);

                dalphadk1 = -2 * b * cosh(k2 * (a - b)) * sin(k1 * b) + ...

                    (-k2 / (k1^2) - 1 / k2) * sinh(k2 * (a - b)) * sin(k1 * b) + ... 

                    b * (k2 / k1 - k1 / k2) * sinh(k2 * (a - b)) * cos(k1 * b);

                dalphadk2 = 2 * (a - b) * sinh(k2 * (a - b)) * cos(k1 * b) + ... 

                    (1 / k1 + k1 / (k2^2)) * sinh(k2 * (a - b)) * sin(k1 * b) + ...

                    (a - b) * (k2 / k1 - k1 / k2) * cosh(k2 * (a - b)) * sin(k1 * b);


                alpha = 2 * cos(k2 * (a - b)) * cos(k1 * b) - ... 

                    (k2 / k1 + k1 / k2) * sin(k2 * (a - b)) * sin(k1 * b);

                dalphadk1 = -2 * b * cos(k2 * (a - b)) * sin(k1 * b) - ... 

                    (-k2 / (k1^2) + 1 / k2) * sin(k2 * (a - b)) * sin(k1 * b) - ... 

                    b * (k2 / k1 + k1 / k2) * sin(k2 * (a - b)) * cos(k1 * b);

                dalphadk2 = -2 * (a - b) * sin(k2 * (a - b)) * cos(k1 * b) - ... 

                    (1 / k1 - k1 / (k2^2)) * sin(k2 * (a - b)) * sin(k1 * b) - ... 

                    (a - b) * (k2 / k1 + k1 / k2) * cos(k2 * (a - b)) * sin(k1 * b);


            dkda = 1 / (a * sqrt(4 - alpha^2));

            if alpha > 0

                if alpha^2 < 4

                    dispersion(i, :) = [atan(sqrt(4 - alpha^2) / alpha), E];

                    density_of_states(i, :) = [abs(ec * 1E-9 * (2 / pi) * ... 

                        dkda * (dalphadk1 * dk1dE + dalphadk2 * dk2dE)), E];


                    density_of_states(i, :) = [0, E];

                    dispersion(i, :) = [0, E];



                if alpha^2 < 4

                    dispersion(i, :) = [pi + atan(sqrt(4 - alpha^2) / alpha), E];

                    density_of_states(i, :) = [abs(ec * 1E-9 * (2 / pi) * ... 

                        dkda * (dalphadk1 * dk1dE + dalphadk2 * dk2dE)), E];


                    density_of_states(i, :) = [0, E];

                    dispersion(i, :) = [pi, E];



            if (max(density_of_states(i,2)) > maxDOE)

                maxDOE = max(density_of_states(i,2));



    end % end of i-loop 

    % Plotting

    hold off

    subplot('position',pos1); % Plot the rectangular periodic potential 


    plot(potential(:, 1), potential(:, 2), 'r','LineWidth', 2.0);

    xlabel('Position [nm]');

    ylabel('Potential [eV]');

    xlim([0 potLength/10]);



    set(gca,'TickLength',[0.02, 1]);



    if (varPar == 'd' || varPar == 'D') % Duty cycle is the variable 

        str1 = 'Potential = ';

        str2 = num2str(V2/ec,4); 

        str3 = ' eV';

        strTot = [str1 str2 str3]; 

        text(0.0, 1.1, strTot, 'FontSize',18,'units','normalized');

        str1 = 'Periodicity = ';

        str2 = num2str(a/1e-10,4); 

        str3 = ' Å';

        strTot = [str1 str2 str3]; 

        text(0.35, 1.1, strTot, 'FontSize',18,'units','normalized');

        str1 = 'Duty cycle = ';

        str2 = num2str((a-ii)/a,4); 

        strTot = [str1 str2]; 

        text(0.7, 1.1, strTot, 'FontSize',18,'units','normalized');


    if (varPar == 'v' || varPar == 'V') % Peak potential is the variable 

        str1 = 'Potential = ';

        str2 = num2str(ii,4); 

        str3 = ' eV';

        strTot = [str1 str2 str3]; 

        text(0.0, 1.1, strTot, 'FontSize',18,'units','normalized');

        str1 = 'Periodicity = ';

        str2 = num2str(a/1e-10,4); 

        str3 = ' Å';

        strTot = [str1 str2 str3]; 

        text(0.37, 1.1, strTot, 'FontSize',18,'units','normalized');

        str1 = 'Duty cycle = ';

        str2 = num2str((a-b)/a,4); 

        strTot = [str1 str2]; 

        text(0.7, 1.1, strTot, 'FontSize',18,'units','normalized');


    if (varPar == 'p' || varPar == 'P') % Periodicity is the variable 

        str1 = 'Potential = ';

        str2 = num2str(V2/ec,4); 

        str3 = ' eV';

        strTot = [str1 str2 str3]; 

        text(0.0, 1.1, strTot, 'FontSize',18,'units','normalized');

        str1 = 'Periodicity = ';

        str2 = num2str(ii/1e-10,4); 

        str3 = ' Å';

        strTot = [str1 str2 str3]; 

        text(0.32, 1.1, strTot, 'FontSize',18,'units','normalized');

        str1 = 'Duty cycle = ';

        str2 = num2str((a-b)/a,4); 

        strTot = [str1 str2]; 

        text(0.7, 1.1, strTot, 'FontSize',18,'units','normalized');


    hold off

    subplot('position',pos2); % Plot the dispersion as a function of ka 


    plot(1.001*dispersion(:, 1)-0.001, dispersion(:, 2), 'g','LineWidth', 2.0);


    ylabel('E [eV]');

    xticks([0 pi/4 pi/2 3*pi/4 pi])





    set(gca,'TickLength',[0.02, 1]);


    hold off

    subplot('position',pos3); % Plot the density of states as a function of energy 


    lastPt = [0 50];

    density_of_states = [density_of_states; lastPt];

    plot(density_of_states(:, 1), density_of_states(:, 2), 'b','LineWidth', 2.0);

    hold on 

    fill(density_of_states(:, 1), density_of_states(:, 2), 'b','FaceAlpha',0.25);

    xlabel('Density of States [eV^{-1}nm^{-1}]');

    ylabel('E [eV]'); 




    set(gca,'TickLength',[0.02, 1]);


    frame = getframe(gcf);


end % loopVals loop
