Photoemission electron microscopy experiment cartoon 

Matlab code 

% Cartoon of a PEEM experimental setup with x-rays crossing over the L2 and

% L3 edges of iron from 700 to 740 eV. Experimental data ironPEEM.mp4

% courtesy Armin Kleibert, PSI.


clear; close all;

peemV = VideoReader('ironPEEM.mp4');

xanesData = importdata('FeL2L3.txt'); % Absorption data around Fe L-edge



pos1 = [0.01 0.01 0.49 0.98]; % Experiment

pos2 = [0.5 0.5 0.49 0.49]; % PEEM image

pos3 = [0.53 0.08 0.43 0.4]; % Fe L2, L3 spectrum



vid = VideoWriter('PEEMexpt.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 15;


figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080]);

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);



myBlue = [0.4 0.44 0.73];

myGold = [220 166 3]/255;

lp1 = [0. -0.4 0.25];

lp2 = [0. 0 -1.6];

% red - yellow - green - blue - violet custom colormap

rgb = customcolormap([0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1], {'#ff0000','#ffff00','#00ff00','#0000ff','#7f00ff'});

fliprgb = flip(rgb);


Nframes = peemV.NumFrames; % Number of frames in PEEM video

frameNow = 0;


rmax = [5 4 3]; % Upper radii of three objective cones

baseHt = [0 1 2]; % Heights of bases of three objective cones

rmin = 1; % Common inner radius of three objective cones

objLensHt = [5 4.5 4]; % Axial heights of three objective cones


% Coordinates of top and bottom of lens structures

phiRange = -3*pi/4:pi/360:3*pi/4;

arcx = sin(phiRange); % Inner curved surface

arcy = cos(phiRange); % Outer curved surface

arc1x = [arcx 1.1*flip(arcx)]; % Concatenate for fill3

arc1y = [arcy 1.1*flip(arcy)]; % Concatenate for fill3

arc1z = 0.0*arc1x; % z-coordinates



for hv = 700:40/(Nframes-1):740



    frameNow = frameNow+1;

    % Create three cones as the curved surfaces of the objective lens of

    % the PEEM electron microscope

    surfRes = 360; % Fineness of cylindrical division


    for cone = 1:3

        r = rmin:rmax(cone);

        [x1,y1,z1] = cylinder(r,surfRes);

        % Delete quarter of the objective lens to see wot's goin' on, loik

        for ii = rmin:rmax(cone)

            for jj = 1:surfRes+1

                if (y1(ii,jj) < -ii/sqrt(2)-0.001) % -0.001 needed to avoid rounding errors

                    x1(ii,jj) = NaN;

                    y1(ii,jj) = NaN;

                    z1(ii,jj) = NaN;




        % Curved surface, objective 1,2,3


            'FaceColor',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineStyle',...



            'FaceColor',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineStyle',...



        axis off;

        axis equal;


        hold on


        % Top and bottom surfaces, objective lenses

        fill3(rmin*arc1x,rmin*arc1y,arc1z+baseHt(cone),[0.7 0.7 0.7],...



            [0.7 0.7 0.7],'LineStyle','none','FaceLighting','gouraud','DiffuseStrength',1);


        % Exposed edges of cutaway, objective lenses

        x1flat = -sqrt(1/2)*[rmax(cone) 1.1*rmax(cone) 1.1*rmin rmin];

        y1flat = -sqrt(1/2)*[rmax(cone) 1.1*rmax(cone) 1.1*rmin rmin];

        z1flat = [objLensHt(cone) objLensHt(cone) 0 0]+baseHt(cone);

        fill3(x1flat,y1flat,z1flat,[0.7 0.7 0.7],'LineStyle','none',...


        fill3(-x1flat,y1flat,z1flat,[0.7 0.7 0.7],'LineStyle','none',...




    % Projector lens

    % Curved surfaces

    r3 = 2;

    [x3,y3,z3] = cylinder(r3,surfRes);

    for ii = 1:2

        for jj = 1:surfRes+1

            if (y3(ii,jj) < -r3/sqrt(2)-0.001)

                x3(ii,jj) = NaN;

                y3(ii,jj) = NaN;

                z3(ii,jj) = NaN;




    surf(x3,y3,2*z3+11,'FaceAlpha',1,'FaceColor',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineStyle',...


    r4 = 4;

    [x4,y4,z4] = cylinder(r4,surfRes);

    for ii = 1:2

        for jj = 1:surfRes+1

            if (y4(ii,jj) < -r4/sqrt(2)-0.001)

                x4(ii,jj) = NaN;

                x4(ii,jj) = NaN;

                z4(ii,jj) = NaN;




    surf(x4,y4,2*z4+11,'FaceAlpha',1,'FaceColor',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineStyle',...



    % Top and bottom surfaces, projector lens

    arc2x = [r3*arcx r4*flip(arcx)];

    arc2y = [r3*arcy r4*flip(arcy)];

    arc2z = 0.0*arc2x;

    fill3(arc2x,arc2y,arc2z+11,[0.7 0.7 0.7],'LineStyle','none',...


    fill3(arc2x,arc2y,arc2z+13,[0.7 0.7 0.7],'LineStyle','none',...



    % Exposed edges of cutaway, projector lens

    x2flat = -sqrt(1/2)*[r3 r4 r4 r3];

    y2flat = -sqrt(1/2)*[r3 r4 r4 r3];

    z2flat = [11 11 13 13];

    fill3(x2flat,y2flat,z2flat,[0.7 0.7 0.7],'LineStyle','none',...


    fill3(-x2flat,y2flat,z2flat,[0.7 0.7 0.7],'LineStyle','none',...



    % Two shielding plates for projector lens

    spHtDiff = 2.75;

    for shield = 0:1

        % Curved surfaces

        r5 = 1.9;

        [x5,y5,z5] = cylinder(r5,surfRes);

        for ii = 1:2

            for jj = 1:surfRes+1

                if (y5(ii,jj) < -r5/sqrt(2)-0.001)

                    x5(ii,jj) = NaN;

                    y5(ii,jj) = NaN;

                    z5(ii,jj) = NaN;





            'FaceColor',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineStyle',...


        r6 = 5;

        [x6,y6,z6] = cylinder(r6,surfRes);

        for ii = 1:2

            for jj = 1:surfRes+1

                if (y6(ii,jj) < -r6/sqrt(2)-0.001)

                    x6(ii,jj) = NaN;

                    x6(ii,jj) = NaN;

                    z6(ii,jj) = NaN;





            'FaceColor',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineStyle',...



        % Top and bottom surfaces, shielding plate 1

        arc2x = [r5*arcx r6*flip(arcx)];

        arc2y = [r5*arcy r6*flip(arcy)];

        arc2z = 0.0*arc2x;

        fill3(arc2x,arc2y,arc2z+10.6+(shield*spHtDiff),[0.4 0.4 0.4],...


        fill3(arc2x,arc2y,arc2z+10.65+(shield*spHtDiff),[0.4 0.4 0.4],...



        % Exposed edges of cutaway, projector lens

        x2flat = -sqrt(1/2)*[r5 r6 r6 r5];

        y2flat = -sqrt(1/2)*[r5 r6 r6 r5];

        z2flat = [10.6 10.6 10.65 10.65]+(shield*spHtDiff);

        fill3(x2flat,y2flat,z2flat,[0.7 0.7 0.7],'LineStyle','none',...


        fill3(-x2flat,y2flat,z2flat,[0.7 0.7 0.7],'LineStyle','none',...




    PEEMframe = read(peemV,frameNow); % grey image but in fact RGB

    XX = [1 1; -1 -1];

    YY = [1 -1; 1 -1];

    ZZ = [0 0; 0 0]-0.5;


    plotcube([10 10 0.7],[-5 -5 20],1,[0.5 0.5 0.5],0);


    plotcube([2 2 0.1],[-1 -1 -0.601],1,[0.5 0.5 0.5],0);

    fill3([-7 -7 7 7],[-7 7 7 -7],[0 0 0 0]-0.6,'w','LineStyle','none',...



    % Interpolate PEEM spectrum

    xintp = 700:0.1:740; % Interpolated x-values

    yintp = interp1(xanesData(:,1),xanesData(:,2),xintp,'pchip'); % Interpolated y-values

    xnowIndex = 1+round(400*(hv-700)/40);

    ynow = yintp(xnowIndex);

    FaceAlphaPlus = ynow/200;


    % Electron beam from sample to detector

    surfRes2 = 90;

    R = 1;

    ze1 = -0.2:0.01:1;

    re1 = (R^2 - ze1.^2).^0.5-0.7*R;

    [xe1,ye1,ze1] = cylinder(re1,surfRes2);

    for ii = 1:121

        if (re1(ii) < 0)

            xe1(ii,:) = NaN;

            ye1(ii,:) = NaN;

            ze1(ii,:) = NaN;



    aaa = max(max(ze1));




    aaa = 5*aaa-0.5; % Maximum height of first part of electron beam


    ze1 = -1:0.01:1;

    re1 = (R^2 - ze1.^2).^0.5-0.7*R;

    [xe1,ye1,ze1] = cylinder(re1,surfRes2);

    for ii = 1:201

        if (re1(ii) < 0)

            xe1(ii,:) = NaN;

            ye1(ii,:) = NaN;

            ze1(ii,:) = NaN;



    bbb = min(min(ze1));

    ccc = aaa+12*max(max(ze1-bbb));




    re1 = 0:1:5;

    [xe1,ye1,ze1] = cylinder(re1,surfRes);




    % Incident radiation

    index = 1 + round(255*(hv-700)/40);

    colNow = fliprgb(index,:);

    re1 = 0.8:0.2:1.4;

    [xe1,ye1,ze1] = cylinder(re1,surfRes);

    xrays = surf(xe1*sind(15),ye1,14*(ze1)-1.4,'FaceAlpha',0.28,'FaceColor',colNow,'LineStyle',...


    rotate(xrays,[0 1 0],-75,[0,0,-0.5]);

    axis off;

    axis equal;

    xlim([-9 6])



    set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');

    %view(32*(frameNow/112),(112-frameNow)/3) % Use for pan version

    view(20,20) % Use for static version

    hold off


    % -------------------------------------------------------------------





    % -------------------------------------------------------------------



    xintp = 700:0.1:740; % Interpolated x-values

    yintp = interp1(xanesData(:,1),xanesData(:,2),xintp,'pchip'); % Interpolated y-values

    hold on

    plot(xintp,yintp,'Color',myBlue,'LineWidth', 3.0)

    xnow = hv;

    ynowIndex = 1+round(400*(hv-700)/40);

    ynow = yintp(ynowIndex);

    colNow = fliprgb(index,:);




    a = get(gca,'XTickLabel');


    set(gca,'TickLength',[0.02, 1]);


    xlabel('Photon energy [eV]');

    ylabel('Absorption [arb. units]');



    xlim([700 740])

    hold off

    % Store the frame

    frame = getframe(gcf);




% Output the movie as an mpg file
