Generation of a powder pattern from a 2D single crystal pattern  
Matlab codes 

% Program to rotate a crystal that is in the Bragg condition around the

% incoming beam axis to produce a Debye-Scherrer ring.


% Uses an adaptation of the function platonic_solid, see


% Courtesy Kevin Moerman


clear; close all;



figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

fileName = 'rotatingDiffractingCrystal.mp4';

vid = VideoWriter(fileName,'MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;


set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);


set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');

lp = [1 -0.75 0.];

myBlue = [0.35 0.40 0.61];

myGold = [0.94 0.77 0.34];


LL = 0.4;


xHt = 0.2;

cubeRad = xHt*(3/4)^0.5;

theta = 25; % Bragg angle 


phiRange = 0:pi/90:2*pi; 


% Dot-dashed ring following tip of diffracted beam as crystal is rotated 

DSringx = 0*phiRange + LL*cosd(2*theta);

DSringy = LL*sind(2*theta)*sin(phiRange);

DSringz = LL*sind(2*theta)*cos(phiRange); 

phiNow = 1; 



hold off


for phi = phiRange 

    hold off


    set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');



    colFlag = 0;

    % Generate crystal block with planes

    for ht = -xHt/8:xHt/24:xHt/8

        xlim([-LL LL]);

        ylim([-LL LL]);

        zlim([-LL LL]);


        axis equal

        axis off


        [V,F] = platonic_solid(2,cubeRad); % Cube, size = ht = xHt

        V(:,3) = (1/24)*V(:,3)+ht-xHt/8-xHt/48;

        if (colFlag/2 == round(colFlag/2))

            colNow = myBlue;


            colNow = myGold;


        ps1 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',colNow,'FaceAlpha',1, ...


        direction1 = [0 1 0];

        rotate(ps1,direction1,-theta,[0 0 0])


        direction2 = [1 0 0];

        rotate(ps1,direction2,phi*180/pi,[0 0 0])


        hold on

        colFlag = colFlag+1;


    plot3([-LL LL],[-LL LL],[-LL -LL],'color','white', 'LineWidth', 0.1); % dummy line to keep FOV constant

    incBeam = mArrow3([-LL 0 0],[0.01 0 0],'color',myGold, ...

            'stemWidth',0.002,'tipWidth',0.004,'facealpha',1); %

    diffBeam = mArrow3([-0.02 0 0],[LL 0 0],'color',myGold, ...

            'stemWidth',0.002,'tipWidth',0.004,'facealpha',1); %

    plot3([0 LL*cosd(2*theta)],[0 0],[0 0],'color','k', 'LineWidth', 2,'LineStyle','-.'); % incident x-ray beam axis 

    rotate(diffBeam,direction1,-2*theta,[0 0 0])

    rotate(diffBeam,direction2,phi*180/pi,[0 0 0])

    plot3(DSringx(1:phiNow),-DSringy(1:phiNow),DSringz(1:phiNow),'color',myGold, 'LineWidth', 2.5,'LineStyle','-.');

    phiNow = phiNow+1; 

    frame = getframe(gcf);


    hold off 


% Output the movie as an mpg file


% Program to generate powder rings from an initial 2D diffraction pattern


clear; close all;


vid = VideoWriter('powder.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;


figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);



bpCol = [0.3 0.28 0.55]; % Color of Bragg peaks (if not on surface of Ewald sphere (ES))

rBP = 0.0053; % Radius of Bragg peak as plotted on ES

numBP = 7; % Number of Bragg peaks to edge of diffraction pattern at 0.5 AA^-1


% Vertices of drawn crystal

rhSize = 0.0125;

v1 = [rhSize,0,0];

v2 = [0,rhSize,0];

v3 = [0,0,rhSize*1.25];

v4 = [-rhSize,0,0];

v5 = [0,-rhSize,0];

v6 = [0,0,-rhSize*1.25];


[x,y,z] = sphere; % Create 3D array to plot spheres

LL = 0.51;


qstep = 0.0002;

powderPattx = (0:qstep:LL);

powderPatty = 0.0*powderPattx;

sigma = 0.001;


for phi = 0:360 % Rotate Bragg peaks around y-axis in steps of 0.5 degrees

    hold off;


    hold on

    % Draw crystal

    f1 = fill3(v1,v2,v3,'green','LineStyle','none','FaceLighting','gouraud',...


    f2 = fill3(v4,v2,v3,'green','LineStyle','none','FaceLighting','gouraud',...


    f3 = fill3(v1,v2,v6,'green','LineStyle','none','FaceLighting','gouraud',...


    f4 = fill3(v4,v2,v6,'green','LineStyle','none','FaceLighting','gouraud',...


    rotate(f1,[0 1 0],phi,[0,0,0]);

    rotate(f2,[0 1 0],phi,[0,0,0]);

    rotate(f3,[0 1 0],phi,[0,0,0]);

    rotate(f4,[0 1 0],phi,[0,0,0]);

    hold on

    % Loop through hl space

    for h = -0.5:0.5/numBP:0.5

        for l = -0.5:0.5/numBP:0.5

            hl = (h^2 + l^2)^0.5; % length of Q

            hlthetaStart = atan2(h,l); % angle of hl Bragg peak w.r.t. l-axis before rotation

            if (hl <= 0.5) % Only plot out Bragg peaks in reciprocal lattice

                % within radius of 0.5 AA^-1.

                hold on

                % Rotate reciprocal lattice to angle phi

                % and calculate new absolute (h k l) after rotation

                hnew = h*cosd(phi) + l*sind(phi);

                lnew = l*cosd(phi) - h*sind(phi);

                % Draw Bragg peaks in present rotational position

                BPtransp = (0.61 - hl)/0.61; % Degree of transparency of Bragg peak

                H = surf(rBP*x+h,rBP*y,rBP*z+l,'FaceAlpha',BPtransp,...


                rotate(H,[0 1 0],phi,[0,0,0]);

                % Draw arc between hlthetaStart and hlthetaNow

                thetaRange = (hlthetaStart:pi/3600:hlthetaStart + phi*pi/180);

                arcX = hl*sin(thetaRange); % set of x-coords for arc

                arcY = arcX*0;

                arcZ = hl*cos(thetaRange); % set of z-coords for arc

                hold on

                BParc = plot3(arcX,arcY+h/2001+l/2000,arcZ,'color',[0,0,1], 'LineWidth', 2.5); % plot in blue

                BParc.Color(4) = (BPtransp)^2;

                if (phi == 0)

                    if (h^2 +l^2 ~= 0)

                        powderPatty = powderPatty + BPtransp*exp(-(powderPattx-hl).^2/(2*sigma^2));



                clear BParc

                clear H

                clear f1

                clear f2

                clear f3

                clear f4

            end % End of selecting only hl values within radius of 0.5 r.l.u.

        end % End of l-loop

    end % End of h-loop

    % End of drawing diffraction maxima



    lp = [-0.7 -0.5 0.5];


    axis equal

    axis off

    xlim([-LL LL]);

    ylim([-LL LL]);

    zlim([-LL LL]);


    % Store the frame


    frame = getframe(gcf);



end % End of phi-rotation loop



for i = 0:10:LL/qstep - 2

    powdPattxy = plot3(powderPattx(1:i),powderPattx(1:i)*0,...

        powderPatty(1:i)/(2*max(powderPatty)),'color','r', 'LineWidth', 2.0);


    frame = getframe(gcf);





% Output the movie as an mpg file
