s- and p-polarizations
Matlab code
% Cartoons of E- and B-fields propagating together along two wavelengths as
% a linearly s- or p-polarized plane wave
clear; close all;
prompt = 's-polarized (S), or p-polarized (P)? ';
str = input(prompt,'s');
myBlue = [0.4 0.44 0.73];
str1 = '-polarized.mp4';
fileName = [str,str1]; % Name of file depends on polarization choice
vid = VideoWriter(fileName,'MPEG-4');
vid.Quality = 100;
vid.FrameRate = 30;
figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');
set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);
set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');
[x,y,z] = sphere(200);
lp = [0.4 0.4 0.7];
LL = 6*pi; % two wavelengths
wavex = -2*LL/3:pi/90:LL/3;
wavey = 0.0*wavex;
xx = [-1 1; 1 -1];
yy = [-1 -1; 1 1];
zz = [0 0; 0 0];
for i = 0:pi/45:4*pi-pi/45
if (str == 'P') || (str == 'p')
propAxis = mArrow3([-4*pi 0 0],[0 0 0],'color','k','stemWidth',0.064,...
rotate(propAxis,[0 1 0],20,[0 0 0]);
hold on;
wavez = 4*sin((wavex) + (-i));
% p-polarization
efield = plot3(wavex,wavez,wavey,'color','r', 'LineWidth', 2.5); % E-field
rotate(efield,[0 1 0],20,[0 0 0]);
bfield = plot3(wavex,wavey,wavez,'color',myBlue, 'LineWidth', 2.5); % B-field
rotate(bfield,[0 1 0],20,[0 0 0]);
% Draw surface
for jj = 1:-0.01:0
plotcube([1 1 0.01]*LL,[-0.5 -0.5 jj-1-0.01]*LL,(jj^8)/5,'g',0);
% Oscillating electron
electron = surf(x/3,y/3+2*sin(i),z/3,'EdgeColor','none','FaceColor',myBlue,...
% Dot-dashed lines
plot3([-LL/2 LL/2],[0 0],[0 0],'Color','k','LineWidth',1.6,'LineStyle','-.');
plot3([0 0],[-LL/4 LL/4],[0 0],'Color','k','LineWidth',1.6,'LineStyle','-.');
% Add dummy lines to stop resizing of viewed volume
dumLine = plot3([0 0],[-0.1 0.1],[LL LL],'Color','w');
dumLine.Color(4) = 0.0; % alpha = 0; fully transparent
dumLine2 = plot3([-2.3*LL/3 1.15*LL/3],[0 0],[0 0],'Color','w');
dumLine2.Color(4) = 0.0; % alpha = 0; fully transparent
elseif (str == 'S') || (str == 's')
propAxis = mArrow3([-4*pi 0 0],[0 0 0],'color','k','stemWidth',0.064,...
rotate(propAxis,[0 1 0],10,[0 0 0]);
hold on;
wavez = 4*sin((wavex) + (-i));
% s-polarization
bfield = plot3(wavex,-wavez,wavey,'color',myBlue, 'LineWidth', 2.5); % E-field
rotate(bfield,[0 1 0],10,[0 0 0]);
efield = plot3(wavex,wavey,wavez,'color','r','LineWidth', 2.5); % B-field
rotate(efield,[0 1 0],10,[0 0 0]);
% Draw surface
for jj = 1:-0.01:0
plotcube([1 1 0.01]*LL,[-0.5 -0.5 jj-1-0.01]*LL,(jj^8)/5,'g',0);
% Oscillating electron
electron = surf(x/3+2*sin(i)*sind(10),y/3,z/3+2*sin(i)*cosd(10),'EdgeColor','none','FaceColor',myBlue,...
% Dot-dashed lines
plot3([-LL/2 LL/2],[0 0],[0 0],'Color','k','LineWidth',1.6,'LineStyle','-.');
plot3([0 0],[0 0],[-LL/4 LL/4],'Color','k','LineWidth',1.6,'LineStyle','-.');
plot3([-LL/4*sind(10) LL/4*sind(10)],[0 0],[-LL/4*cosd(10) LL/4*cosd(10)],...
% Add dummy lines to stop resizing of viewed volume
dumLine = plot3([0 0],[-0.1 0.1],[LL LL],'Color','w');
dumLine.Color(4) = 0.0; % alpha = 0; fully transparent
dumLine2 = plot3([-2.3*LL/3 1.15*LL/3],[0 0],[0 0],'Color','w');
dumLine2.Color(4) = 0.0; % alpha = 0; fully transparent
axis square;
axis off;
axis tight;
axis equal;
frame = getframe(gcf);
hold off;
% Output the movie as an mpg file