Cartoon of movements of a spherical grating spectrometer 

Matlab codes 

% Animation of movement of a grating and detector in order to capture the

% energy spectrum from a point source sitting on the Rowland circle.


clear; close all;

vid = VideoWriter('sphericalGratingMovement.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;


figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);



% Create rgb progression through a rainbow

bot = 0:8:120; % 0 to 7f in 16 steps

top = 128:8:248; % 80 to ff

all = 0:16:240; % 0 to ff

botc = 0*all; % vector of zeros

midc = botc + 127; % vector of 127s

topc = botc + 255; % vector of 255s

rcomp = [top topc topc flip(all) botc botc bot flip(bot)]/256; % R in rgb

gcomp = [botc bot top flip(top) midc flip(bot) botc botc]/256; % G in rgb

bcomp = [botc botc botc botc bot midc midc flip(bot)]/256; % B in rgb



LL = 11;

r = 10;

grey = [0.5 0.5 0.5];

phistep = pi/360; % Step size in creating crystal surface

phipos = -pi/12:phistep:pi/12; % Vector of angles moving in positive direction from -15 to +15 deg

phineg = flip(phipos); % Vector of angles moving in negative direction from +15 to -15 deg


fwd = 1:128;


for i = [fwd flip(fwd)]

    phi = 10 + (i-1)*70/128;


    hold off

    plot([0 0],[-r 2*r],'Color','black','LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','-.'); % vertical line along which the center of the grating moves

    hold on

    j = 128 - i + 1;

    plot([0 0],[0 2*r*sind(phi)],'Color',[rcomp(j) gcomp(j) bcomp(j)],'LineWidth',2);

    len = 2*r*sind(phi);

    plot([0 len*sind(2*phi)],[len len*(1+cosd(2*phi))],'Color',...

        [rcomp(j) gcomp(j) bcomp(j)],'LineWidth',2);

    xstx1 = r*(1 - cos(phipos)); % x-coords of inner edge of bent crystal

    xstx2 = r*1.05*(1 - cos(phineg)) - r*0.05; % x-coords of outer edge of bent crystal

    xstx = [xstx1 xstx2];   % x-coords of bent crystal via concatenation

    xsty1 = r*sin(phipos)+2*r*sind(phi); % y-coords of inner edge of bent crystal

    xsty2 = r*1.05*sin(phineg)+2*r*sind(phi); % y-coords of outer edge of bent crystal

    xsty = [xsty1 xsty2]; % y-coords of bent crystal via concatenation

    xst = fill(xstx,xsty,grey,'LineStyle','none');

    rotate(xst,[0 0 1],-phi,[0,2*r*sind(phi),0]);


    xc = r*cosd(phi);

    yc = r*sind(phi);

    viscircles([xc yc],r,'LineStyle','-.','LineWidth',2); % Dot-dashed Rowland circle

    viscircles([0 0],0.05,'Color','black','LineWidth',5); % Rotation point of Rowland circle

    axis equal

    axis off

    xlim([-LL 2*LL]);

    ylim([-LL 2*LL]);


    frame = getframe(gcf);



% Output the movie as an mpg file


% Cartoon of a multielement spherical grating monochromator with the

% diffracting elements on individual Rowland circles


clear; close all

vid = VideoWriter('multiRowland.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;


figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 2800 2000],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);


% red - yellow - green - blue - violet

rgb = customcolormap([0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1], {'#ff0000','#ffff00','#00ff00','#0000ff','#7f00ff'});

rgb2 = customcolormap([0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1], {'#ff0000','#ffff00','#00ff00','#0000ff','#7f00ff'},128);

rgbbgr = [rgb2; flip(rgb2)];

fliprgb = flip(rgb);



myBlue = [0.4 0.44 0.73];

lp = [-7 2 -2];

lp2 = [0 0 2];


rR = 0.5; % Rowland circle radius


theta = 0:pi/180:2*pi;

circlex = 0.5*sin(theta);

circlez = 0.5*cos(theta);


% Set up spherical bowl for crystal analyzer surfaces

[X,Y,Z] = sphere(2000);

X = X/2; Y = Y/2; Z = Z/2; % Sphere radius 0.5

xnot = 0.496;

% Only surviving part of sphere for X > xnot - a small slice of the sphere

X(X<xnot) = NaN ; Y(X<xnot) = NaN ; Z(X<xnot) = NaN;

cylRad = (rR^2-xnot^2)^0.5; % Radius of cylinder defining side wall of crystal analyzers

[a,b,c] = cylinder(cylRad,500);

xstht = 0.05; % Height of side wall of crystal analyzers

detHt = 0.14;


t = 0:1;

r = t;

[xx,yy,zz] = cylinder(r,255);


pos1 = [0 0 1 1];

phiMin = 5;

phiMax = 25;

pt1 = phiMin:0.125:phiMax;

pt2 = phiMax:-0.125:phiMin;

range = [pt1 pt2];


for phi = range % Rotate Rowland circle


    colorIndex = floor(256*(phi-phiMin)/(phiMax-phiMin))+1;

    if (colorIndex > 256)

        colorIndex = 256;



    Lsx = 2*rR*cosd(phi); % Sample - crystal analyzer distance

    rR0x = Lsx*cosd(phi) - rR; % x-value of centre of Rowland circle

    rR0z = -Lsx*sind(phi); % z-value of centre of Rowland circle

    del = rR - (rR^2 - cylRad^2)^0.5; % Height of lip cf middle of crystal analyzer surface

    Lax = Lsx*cosd(phi); % Distance in x-direction from middle of crystal analyzer surface to sample-detector axis

    cylOff = -rR0z + Lax + xstht - del;

    hold off



    hold on

    axis off

    axis equal

    xlim([-0.4 1.1]);

    ylim([-0.7 0.7]);

    zlim([-0.9 0.5]);





    ps1 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',myBlue,'FaceAlpha',1,...




    for xst = -3:3

        % Crystal analyzer surface

        xstsurf = surf(X+rR0x,Y,Z+rR0z,'FaceColor',[0.4 0.4 0.4],'LineStyle','none',...


        rotate(xstsurf,[0 0 1],10*xst,[0,0,rR0z]); % Rotate around vertical z-axis

        % Side walls of crystal analyzers

        xstside = surf(a,b,xstht*c - cylOff,'FaceColor',[0.8 0.8 0.8],'LineStyle','none',...


        rotate(xstside,[0 1 0],-90,[0,0,rR0z]);

        rotate(xstside,[0 0 1],10*xst,[0,0,rR0z]);

        % Rowland circles

        cc = plot3(circlex+rR0x,0*circlex,circlez+rR0z,'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineStyle','-.','LineWidth',0.4);

        rotate(cc,[0 0 1],10*xst,[0,0,rR0z]);

        % Fluorescent radiation cones

        CO(:,:,1) = rgbbgr(:,1).*ones(256,1);

        CO(:,:,2) = rgbbgr(:,2).*ones(256,1);

        CO(:,:,3) = rgbbgr(:,3).*ones(256,1);

        for n = 1:2

            COO(n,:,1) = CO(:,:,1);

            COO(n,:,2) = CO(:,:,2);

            COO(n,:,3) = CO(:,:,3);


        coneIndex = round(256*abs(xx(2,:))/max(max(xx)));

        fluor1 = surf(0.97*cosd(phi)*cylRad*xx, 0.97*cylRad*yy, 1.0133*zz*Lsx,COO,'FaceAlpha',0.4,'LineStyle','none',...


        rotate(fluor1,[0 1 0],90+phi,[0,0,0]);

        rotate(fluor1,[0 0 1],10*xst,[0,0,0]);

        fluor2 = surf(0.97*cosd(phi)*cylRad*xx, cylRad*yy, 1.0133*zz*Lsx+2*rR0z,'FaceColor',fliprgb(colorIndex,:),'FaceAlpha','0.125','LineStyle','none',...


        rotate(fluor2,[0 1 0],90-phi,[0,0,2*rR0z]);

        rotate(fluor2,[0 0 1],10*xst,[0,0,0]);


    % Detector

    detWall = surf(a/2,b/2,c*detHt - detHt + 2*rR0z,'FaceColor',[0.8 0.8 0.8],'LineStyle','none',...


    rotate(detWall,[0 1 0],90-phi,[0,0,2*rR0z]);

    plot3([0 0],[0 0],[-0.9 0.1],'k','LineStyle','-.','LineWidth',1.6);

    detEnd = fill3(cylRad*circlex,cylRad*circlez,0*circlez+2*rR0z-detHt,[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineStyle','none',...


    rotate(detEnd,[0 1 0],90-phi,[0,0,2*rR0z]);


    frame = getframe(gcf);



    %hold off


% Output the movie as an mpg file
