Plot of history of deposits of x-ray- and cryoEM structural data in the RCSB Protein Data Bank
This animation plots deposits in the PDB of x-ray and cryoEM-determined structures as a function of molecular weight (kDa, x-axis), resolution (Angstroms, y-axis), and year (frame). Two data files of all the x-ray structures and cryoEM structures in the data base must be generated; the most recent of which mined by me are found in the above links. It is somewhat involved to mine this data, so a guide as to how I approached this can be found here if you want to generate your own files.
These raw files are then parsed using the matlab code xrayCryoDataParse_20YYMMDD.m to generate files for each year. These are in turn used in the program xrayCryoEMdata_20YYMMDD.m to generate the animation.
The most recent version was generated from data mined on 16.10.2023.